Sunday 6 November 2022

Forming a crew

The Galactic Iceberg is an old colony ship. Serviceable, solid and dependable but not too fast. I put the down payment on it as you never know when you might need a quick exit from a situation. And having your own ship gives you better options to evade prying eyes if you need to.

I'd come to Verulamium in the Ebaracum Galaxy as a troubleshooter for vested interests, and was now an outlaw. The trouble was not the workers on this mining planet but the bosses and planetary authorities. Things went bad and the blame is pinned on me. 

And we find ourselves in District 9. A district where people like us can move relatively freely.

My crew are all outlaws for one reason or another and we met in bars and places where people like us can relax a little.

The pilot is Brax, we don't use our real names anymore because that's dangerous. And we are, after all, wanted. A former starship crew member who is wanted for smuggling  I took him onboard when I first put money down to buy the ship.  He is very religious.

Good with machinery as well as a good pilot

Then there's Wolf, an ex-bounty hunter who wants to be famous. He was marked by his target, he thinks he was betrayed.

Flash Hari is a Feral. A trader who was trading with the 'wrong people' so the authorities said. Well, that would be outlaws. Hari just wants to see order in the galaxies and a profit for himself.

He brought along a worker Bot who we named Botticelli. He likes pounding to the beat!

Cromwell. The ex-soldier who came through for us against his former employer. He was blamed for leaking operational details of planned raids on the striking mine settlements and lit out pdq. He didn't like blatant lying and cover-ups that were happening.

And there's me, The Captain. Or, if you prefer, Cap. An ex-troubleshooter with a desire for technology, especially hard to get technology.

We aim to make a living and help the downtrodden where we can.

Our name?

Confidential Services Inc. CSI for short.

These are the Northstar Crew figures with one female crew member from the female crew box. One Games Workshop Skink and the bot from Imitation of Life on

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Turn 4

(1) Upkeep & Ship Repairs No repairs necessary. Ship Upkeep 6 credits. 16 + 1= 17 - 6 = 11 Crew Upkeep 1 credit (2) Assign & resolve...